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God promises to supply our needs even during the times we are wandering in the desert. Since God is omniscient, the need is already supplied, before we even enter an oasis.


Rain spells and drought spells might be comparable to our own spiritual conditioning. How is your spiritual condition today? Is your spiritual life dry and parched…or, drenched in the overflowing presence of the Holy Spirit?


I am bringing this message to the folks that think that there are many avenues to a relationship with ‘God’ Throughout history, man has tried to find every way around the truth. They have developed their own ‘gods’ to worship…and designed ‘religions’ around them to worship their creation. The Christian faith is different.


Your church is our purpose

Churches are facing an unprecedented time of difficulty. No matter the size of your congregation, we believe that revival starts in Christ’s followers.

The Holy Spirit is not quiet and neither shall we be when praising the Lord in your church.

About the service

The church pastor is an integral part of the service. The pastor and congregation are encouraged to become involved in the service, as the Holy Spirit’s anointing flows over the community of saints.

Who we are


-Over 40 years in  pastoral ministry.
-A heart for missions.
-A desire to see ministers encouraged & uplifted.