I love my morning prayer time with the Lord. I was reading Psalm 119, when I came across v27 “Make me to understand the way of thy precepts; so I shall meditate of thy wondrous works” (Jubilee 2000). I asked the Lord to show me his wondrous works. I immediately went into prayer, and the words “Gold Nuggets” came across my mind. God wants to bless us with His pure gold. How and where do we find these “gold nuggets.”
Are you looking for gold nuggets, if so, have you found any? Where have you looked for these gold nuggets? Have you gone to the mountains, panned in the rivers edge or attended a mining camp? When you find some gold nuggets, you enthusiastically hold them in your hand, turning them over, admiring them, hoping they are real and not fools gold.
Do you know what nuggets I am talking about? Not the ones found near a river’s edge, but the ones found in the Word of God. The Word of God is embedded with thousands of “gold nuggets.”
I challenge you to seek out the “gold nuggets” in the Word of God. Write them down, embed them in your heart and keep them close. These nuggets bring wisdom, knowledge, freedom, and life. As you read the Bible, allow the Holy Spirit to reveal in each passage those gold nuggets. Every word, passage and paragraph is full of enlightenment – enriching your soul.
He delights in giving us wisdom, knowledge and power. He also delights to share his heart with us; if only we would seek after it.
The Word of God tells us to “Seek after him while he may be found.” Jesus also says, “Today is the day of salvation.” Don’t let another day, hour, second go by without surrendering your ALL to Him. “For He careth for you”.
Our testing time during the refiners fire may hurt for a season, not comfortable at all, but in the end, we shall come out as pure gold that shines through the darkness.
Job 23:10 (Jubilee 2000)
10 But he has known the way that I take; he has tried me, and I have come forth as gold.
So, what is your challenge this day? Where are you looking to find the answer?
There is LIFE and POWER in God’s Word.
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